With support from the 2023 REEL Earth Day Challenge, we have started the process to undertake a storm damage cleanup to restore the endangered coastal ecosystems at Iona Beach Regional Park.
Climate change is happening at an alarming rate, and as a result, we are seeing increased storm surges and king tides that threaten the delicate balance of our coastal ecosystems. Last year, an unprecedented storm surge and king tide caused severe damage to the beach, threatening this rare and delicate habitat. With $25,000 generously pledged from MBS Equipment Co., we can now help restore and protect endangered coastal dune ecosystems located near the mouth of the Fraser River in Iona Beach Regional Park. This project will make a significant difference in preserving the natural beauty and balance of this unique coastal ecosystem and improving this ecosystem’s overall resiliency.
Project Update:
September 2023 – Log Cleanup
October 2023 – Invasive species removal and beach planting, including:
- Removing fourteen 100 yd³ bins of logs and sent for beneficial reuse= 1400 yd³
- Removing logs from a coastal sand dune area of approximatly 3000 m² = 0.3 ha
- Ordering 120 dune grass (Elymus mollis) and 144 coastal strawberry (Fragaria chiloensis) plants for volunteer planting during during EcoBlitz events.